Singapore Seniors

Google "Senior Citizen Singapore" and you will find this web site:

plus several others with very telling 'slant', related mostly with senior concessions:

While these are welcoming signs of recognitions and appreciations, they non the less come with a hint of de-empowering of seniors. 

Also on the first paged of the Goolged result is this link:
which reported in Dec 2010 on state of the Singapore Seniors

It is clear from these that the government and society view the elders in their midst as an issue which of course it is if such a view is held by virtually everyone.  

A casual look at the demographic easily suggests that the issue is one of productive income for that sector of the population that is being forced off the Babylonian system to make way for the increasing population and material aspirations amidst perceived scarce resources.

A proper examination, I believe, will point to health as the main issue and reason for one's ability for economic exploits .  One which needs to be addressed instead of seeing the issue as an opportunity for economic exploitation.

As the article suggests, 62 is the statutory age of retirement.  This man made concept is never challenged long after the abolition of the 'pension' system.  

It is perhaps timely to develop a sustainable order that live up to our aspiration of living long, rich and called.

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