Silver Nations

Welcome to the Silver Nations Blog.
This blog complements our web site

The SilverNations is a global community of Elders of Nations.  It is intended as a network of Elders active in the economy especially (on the fringe) as members of the Network Business and in holistic care.   

Elders are a force for good for the nations, a source of blessings and a significant contribution to national GDP and nation building.

Every Senior Citizen is able to be financially independent.  With collective synergies through the network business, we have build a business process based on the internet and a key network business avail to all, on-line for the building of a network business.

The business platform is complete and yet will undergo continuous improvement for greater effectiveness and further automation.  The business opportunity we have identified is the MonaVie business currently rated #1 globally, well established with a product beneficial to the Silver generation, a global reach and a business that has also embraced the internet for much of its transaction.

A third area of focus for Silver Nations is in community development through voluntary funding particularly from your proceeds from the business that is built from this platform.  The ripple effect is limited only by our imagination.

Make your standing as an Elder in our midst count and support your community.  Follow us (see right) and help us reach others.