Thursday, March 31, 2011

Vitamin D Calcium and pH

For the majority of us, health need not be a complicated matter; eat a balance diet with body pH in mind, get adequate vitamin D from the sun and have adequate but not excessive Calcium intake.

This simple guideline coupled with a sensitivity towards your body at all time should put us on the right track to healthy living.  Do what it takes to have a restful mind with avoidance of excesses and guilt trips and adequate exercise and financial prudence will go a long way to have a restful soul.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Senior Employees

From one senior to another.
The seniors amongst us are a rich source of experience, resources as well as wealth.  Everyone will walk the same path.  It is key that we equip our self with the requisite health, resources and develop an income source that is not tightly bound by time and space.  The seniors is a tremendous resource and asset that at this point is not fully tapped and instead viewed as a burden.

Download a copy of Richard Branson's article in Today March 31, 2011
Senior Employees by Richard Brandson