Sunday, February 20, 2011

Aging Population? Blessed are the Poor ...

It baffles to see nations failing to tap the resources of the elders in their midst and instead cast them in the light of being a burden to the the rest of the communities.

Silvers of the nations has vast potential that instead of being organized and tapped are being 'deceived' into extreme negative light and even 'exploited'. Of course the these 'actions' are not intended but just as in everything else, good intentions seldom have good outcome without heavenly wisdoms.

Here, we hope to plant a seed and believe that it has fallen onto good soil and that the seed will take root.  The seed is that the elders of nations, far from being a burden, is a tremendous blessing to the nations.  It holds no boundary; geographic, ethnics, economics or otherwise.  The elders are driven by one common purpose, to bless the nations with the wealth within; be it in wisdom, knowledge, experience and a significant economy united by instant access of the age of the Internet and communication.

Pause for a moment and join us in building nations of silvers:

The center of any nation is its economy and indeed this is where we will also focus.  At the fringe, we will organize at least one network marketing opportunity and encourage all friends, supporters and well wishers to sign up for this business.

We believe what we have put together is a serious, achievable and sustainable online process that allows all to gain a respectable financial income while benefiting from the consumption of the product.  We will assist all qualified members to achieve success through active customization of online process and training and other practical means.

We will also encourage active support of the silver community at large through financial contribution from the gains achieve through these network businesses.  Granted many things are yet to be in place, we believe this small seed will grow into a mighty tree.

The business we have chosen is MonaVie, currently the number 1 network marketing business.  The product is one which is beneficial to the health of the silver nationals.

What we have organized is a business process that we have placed on-line for members to prospect to others via emails sent from customized web pages.  The message is pre written and crafted to achieve positive response.

we will actively assist members to learn the rope of a business especially one that is leveraged on the internet and leverage on the network of members.

In addition to building an income, other aspects of nation and community building will be done mainly along the line of promoting healthy lifestyle and support of the community.  As in any physical nation, this community is open to all but the call is especially for the elders in our midst to know and to realize the blessings that we can impart.

Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit the earth. (the Beatitude) 

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